Quantum AI

Quantum AI Research (QuAIR) Lab, led by Prof. Xin Wang at HKUST (Guangzhou), is dedicated to pushing the fundamental boundaries of quantum information processing and driving technological advancements for quantum computing, guided by AI for Quantum and Quantum for AI.

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Quantum AI

Latest News

Papers accepted by PRL!

Two papers on quantum resource theory, quantum state discrimination and high-order quantum transformation have been accepted by PRL 🎉

Papers accepted by PRL!
Paper published by PRX Quantum!

Paper on estimating high-order quantum information has been published in PRX Quantum 🎉

Paper published by PRX Quantum!
Paper accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications!

Paper on distillable entanglement and quantum capacity has been accepted for publication in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 🎉

Paper accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications!